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Director, Marketing & Growth
Elliott Rayner has spent over a decade working in the sports industry, creating products for the FIFA World Cup and the Summer Olympics while working for Adidas and ASICS. He then took the leap into the world of Tech, leading marketing teams and building strategies for brands such as Babbel and ARION. Today he is the Director of marketing and growth of OWOW, the award winning Product Studio that turns original ideas, into gamechanging products and impactful stories. Elliott is also the creator of Storytelling Certified, an online storytelling course published in collaboration with the Product Marketing Alliance.
18 April 2024 09:45 - 10:15
AI-powered storytelling
Why is storytelling crucial for marketing success? Consider this: 1. Users are 20 times as likely to recall information when it is delivered as part of a story. 2. 92% of users prefer campaigns when delivered as part of a story. 3. Our brain process storytelling visuals 60% faster than copy. Want to use the powerful combination of storytelling science and generative AI for crafting impactful product narratives? Join Elliot for an engaging session where you'll: - Learn how great stories strike the right balance between logic, emotion and credibility and how AI can help us find the right balance. - Learn how great stories focus on creating conflict and how AI can help customize that conflict. - Learn how storytelling credibility depends on sharing insight and how AI can help generate that insight.