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As the Chief Marketing Officer at Relias, Amy is dedicated to leading a team focused on growing the Relias family of brands, serving our mission to improve care for the most vulnerable in society, and leading change initiatives that deliver value while motivating employees. Prior to joining Relias in 2021, Amy held leadership roles at Vanguard Software, Zaloni, and MaxPoint (now Vericast), where she specialized in transformational growth and building teams dedicated to the technological adoption of new marketing operations for SaaS products.
01 May 2024 15:00 - 15:30
Leadership agility: Adapting to market dynamics and emerging trends as a CMO
In today's rapidly evolving landscape, CMOs must adeptly respond to shifting consumer behaviors, technological advancements, and competitive pressures. Through a blend of strategic foresight, organizational adaptability, and collaborative leadership, CMOs can drive innovation and capitalize on opportunities while mitigating risks. This talk investigates the key competencies and strategies that enable CMOs to foster agility within their teams and organizations, ensuring they remain at the forefront of market evolution and deliver sustainable business growth.