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Head of CI GTM
Before joining Semrush, Pere co-founded Kompyte, a Competitive Intelligence automation platform, where he led the company to become a dominant player in the market, which was acquired by Semrush in 2022. Prior to Kompyte, Pere founded a successful internet provider platform in Barcelona that is still used by thousands. Pere is a seasoned speaker and recognized thought leader in the field of competitive intelligence. He is well-versed in the challenges faced by marketing teams, and is passionate about sharing his knowledge to help others succeed by increasing conversion rates and improving bottom-of-the funnel success
01 May 2024 13:15 - 13:45
Turning competitors into assets for smarter GTM budgets
Feeling the pressure to deliver more with your Go-To-Market (GTM) marketing budgets? Set your GTM motion up for success when you and your teams identify and analyze competitors' wins and misses, then adapt and apply these insights, ultimately improving conversion rates and marketing ROI. You’ll help them answer questions such as: - How can we optimize our customer journey? - What could make our messaging more powerful? - Are we targeting the right audience with these ads? Through real-world examples and actionable advice, this session will equip you to turn competitive intelligence into a potent tool for achieving superior marketing results and maximizing the impact of every dollar spent on GTM marketing strategies - before, during, and after launch.